Purple Parchment Legacy
This ambitious research project aims at conducting an in-depth investigation and a complete cataloguing of the so-called codices purpurei, i.e. purple vellum manuscripts, to increase knowledge of their figurative repertoire, meanings, uses and patronage. With a focus on Europe and the Mediterranean from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age, PURPLE will include a wide area of research in the exploration of the manuscripts, expanding both the approaches and the scopes which have been adopted thus far.

Graeci vocant phycos….circa Cretam insulam nato in petris purpuras quoque inficiunt
– Plinio il Vecchio
Aurea purpureis pinguntur grammata..
– Godescalco
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Conferenza nell’ambito del “VII. Forum Kunst des Mittelalters. Licht: Kunst, Metaphysik und Naturwissenschaft im Mittelalter”
In the framework of the "VII. Forum Kunst des Mittelalters. Licht: Kunst, Metaphysik und Naturwissenschaft im Mittelalter," to be held in Jena Sept. 25-28, 2024, Fabrizio Crivello will give a […]
Finissage of the exhibition “Di porpora e di luce” – Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, Sala Rari, 6th February 2024, 4 pm
Tuesday 6th February 2024 marks the end of the exhibition 'Di porpora e di luce. Forma e materia dell'Antico nei codici della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", inaugurated last 1st December […]
Red and black. Study day on purple manuscripts and manuscripts with dyed pages
Padua, Liviano Palace, Aula Diano 18th December 2023 On Monday 18th December 2023, at the Aula Diano of Palazzo Liviano (piazza Capitaniato 7 - 35139 PADOVA), a study day will […]